NECO Fall Expo 2024 > Kick Off Event

NECO Expo 2024

Kickoff Event

Monday, Sept 9th
8:00 - 8:30 AM
Earth Ballroom B

Keynote Discussion with Anthony Bruno

Discussion Topics: Market review and NECO performance update


Monday, Sept 9th
8:30 - 9:00 AM
Earth Ballroom B

Web company breakout sessions (Brand Source, Home Source & RWS)

Discussion Topics: Visit your website provider to learn techniques to best merchandise your website and direct consumers to brands and models most profitable to you. Also review how to make your website transactional to capitalize and the ever-increasing web sales purchase trends and how you can get your share of these consumers.

Brandsource – Harvest Room
HomeSource – Thunder Room
RWS – Hot Suns Room